bbShadow Find your perfect bra


Finish A bra review today to enjoy more bargains and discount!

It is well known that it is not easy to go and buy a bra that matches you perfectly with only one measurement, not only that ‘sizes’ differs between brands, but it also happens even between different series within a single brand; even when you wear the same size, different bras give you different feelings.

bbShadow treasures the consumers’ perspective, collects measurement data and feeling comments from ladies and matches them with yours, to find out which brand / type / or shape matches are the bests for you, so that we won’t be ‘grouped’ simply by ‘number’.

bbShadow review will also offers you analysis on your breast, which helps you to better target one or more issues when you get a bra. Apart from finding your ‘shadow’, you can also help others by being others’ shadow, which we can create better bra shopping experience for one another.

Register and review today so that you won’t have to rely on ‘Guesses’ and 'Trial & Error' anymore when you want to get a new bra!

Join us now! Follow the simple steps below:

1. Go to the following link:

2. Fill in the register form, finish register and login

3. Take photos of the bra that you would like to review

4. Finish reviews to get your shadows’ recommendations
